Friday 11 June 2010

A most magnificent tree

Last night as I wandered through the lonely, dark woods I stumbled at the roots of the tallest, broadest, Most Magnificent Tree I have ever come across.

Now I have been tripped up by many a Tree before. All the Ones I have Loved eventually Fall. Down. Flat.

For a while after they Fall, maybe a month, maybe more, they are Even More Beautiful than they were before. They grow green and moist and soft to touch. I find my way through gaps in their trunks and hide away in the darkness, remembering just how high and wide they reached above me. And how their leaves tickled my skin when the season was right. And how their swaying boughs kept me cool and pale and whispered safely “shhhhhhhhhhhhh” into my upturned ear.

But then they rot away and become invisible. A gap in the forest. Blue sky above. It is almost like they were never there.

I hope this new Tree does not Fall Down Flat. It is the tallest, broadest, Most Magnificent Tree I have ever come across.


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